Welcome to St John's website

St John's is the parish church for the village of Milford in Surrey. 

St John's is "A lively Church and community called by God to follow Christ in the Power of the Spirit"

There is currently a vacancy for Vicar. Our clergy are Revd Peter Hewson and Revd Barbara Steele-Perkins.

Our Parish Profile and Statement of Needs can be read here.

This week

8:00am - 8:40am -
10:00am - 11:00am -
10:00am - 11:00am -

Christmas Quiz 2024

Events and services

Regular Communion Services are in church at 8am and 10am on Sunday and 10am on Tuesdays. 

Check the 'Calendar' tab for details of other events.

Contact us to arrange Baptisms, Weddings or Funerals.

New electoral roll - Every few years we have to throw away our official list of church members, known as the electoral roll, and make a new one. If you are 16 or over you can be included in the electoral roll for this church by filling in this form and returning it to Miranda O'Brien miranda.obrien@btinternet.com, ideally by 15th March.


Keep in touch

We email news to those on our electoral roll. If you are not on our electoral roll, but would like to be included fill in our contact form here.

Email us at stjohnsmilford@hotmail.com


We offer activities and pastoral care, for young and old, including Choir, Mothers' Union and House Groups

There are refeshments in the Church Centre after the 10am service each Sunday. We would love to meet you.

Do speak to our Safeguarding Officer (Revd Peter Hewson) about any Safeguarding concerns


Current safeguarding information for our church

Find us

We are on Church Road, Milford, Surrey GU8 5JA, next to the Jubilee Field.

More details on the Find us page.


Click on this button to donate to the work of St John's

Donate on our just giving page

For other ways to give check out this page.

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